A graduate nursing student embarks on a path of health gain and weight loss through the LapBand procedure. Watch and learn, kids.

September 03, 2006

In the midst of preop

Well, this is officially Day 12 of my preop diet. The first few days SUCKED, lemme tell you. EVERYTHING has carbs in it, even things you don't think of as particularly carb-heavy. So, it was challenging. I do enjoy eating meat, but not every day...but I've been eating a lot of it in this phase of my journey. A typical breakfast is eggs, sausage, maybe 1 slice of bread, some cottage cheese, a small amount of fruit...maybe not all of that, it just depends. I can have 40 grams a day, which really isn't much, especially if you want bread products. But, miracle of miracles, I've stuck to it 99% of the time, and so far I have lost 9.5 pounds or so (hard to know if the surgery center's scale is the same as mine). I know a lot of it is water, but hell, I don't care...I think some was body fat, when you eat such rich protein-filled foods, you just can't eat that much. Today I had fish and rice (weird, I know) and cottage cheese for breakfast, some turkey jerky for snack, and some tofu veggie stirfry for lunch. It is slowly getting easier.

My surgery date is a week from tomorrow...I'm not excited yet nor am I dreading it, perhaps it isn't real or something, I dunno. I read the OH (Obesity Help) website a lot, but it seems like a lot of people on there are a lot older than me so...there are just different issues I think. I'm not concerned with my kids, my husband, etc....I'm young, no kids, and I have a female partner..so it can be a bit different.

I have a meeting (final preop) with my surgeon on Wednesday then Monday is my day.

More later...



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