A graduate nursing student embarks on a path of health gain and weight loss through the LapBand procedure. Watch and learn, kids.

September 08, 2006

My Knees?!

Well, monday is my day. At the crack of dawn (ok, not the crack per se, but earlier than I'd like) I have to be at Stevens Hospital in Edmonds. I am excited, though it was challenging to have spent $16000 in a mere two days, oh yikes! The other night I had a very strange dream that instead of having my band placed, I had a DOUBLE knee replacement..the whole dream was hell! I dreamt that my partner and I had to climb SO many stairs immediately after the surgery...it was so weird. And no, I don't have any knee issues at all. Very strange.

I'm not looking forward to the liquid diet at all, but I've been assured that people aren't hungry right after anyway so I won't be starving to death or anything.

Already I've noticed that lot of my pants are starting to get loose...I'm excited but also bummed to have to buy all new clothes...I think it'll get expensive. Here's hoping I'll get that TA job I applied for yesterday..that'll lighten my load a bit.

That's all for now...

Nurse Bandit


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