A graduate nursing student embarks on a path of health gain and weight loss through the LapBand procedure. Watch and learn, kids.

September 10, 2006

Do you mind if I stop to pick up some meat?

Well, here I am with less than a day to go. This time tomorrow I'll be higher than a kite on Versed, awesome! I had a funny experience last night...

My partner and I went out with some friends to have dinner/drinks and I ordered a burger for dinner, since I'm still on the low carb preop diet. So of course I didn't eat the bun, just the burger, which one of my friends noticed (she doesn't know about my surgery, the other one there did). It was a funny moment, 'cause hell....it was a really nice bun, not a cheap Safeway one or anything (no offense to those of you that have a weakness for cheap Safeway buns, to each her own). Later we were going to give Friend #1 (the unknowing) a ride home and I wanted to step into the grocery store to buy some ground beef (and yes, I'm totally sick of eating meat). And that's all I needed. Friend #1 seemed perplexed as to why I'd stop at the store on a saturday night solely to buy meat, so I just told her that I'm having surgery on Monday and had to do a low carb thing.

Anyway, it was very funny to me. She looked pretty confused when I said I had to pick up some meat, especially since I'd just had a hamburger..she probably thought I was on some weird diet or something. And I am, but not of my own choosing!


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