A graduate nursing student embarks on a path of health gain and weight loss through the LapBand procedure. Watch and learn, kids.

September 11, 2006


So I got my band this morning, and this evening my partner and I were sitting at the table, with me just chatting and sipping some broth. I reached down to scratch my belly button and thought "weird, something sticky in there" so I grabbed a Kleenex, wet it well, and stuck it in there to clean. Well, when I pulled it out there was a chunk of SKIN on it! Keep in mind that I'm a nurse and NOT easily grossed out, but this was too much. I immediately started sweating, my ears were ringing, basically, I was going to faint. Then I started to dry heave (great, just got my band today!)...my partner grabbed ice bags, I took my shirt off because I was so hot, then when all was calm I called my surgeon to make sure it was ok and then I sacked out on the couch. Moral of the story? DON'T go looking in your belly button after surgery! Yuck!



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