A graduate nursing student embarks on a path of health gain and weight loss through the LapBand procedure. Watch and learn, kids.

September 13, 2006

Ready for some pudding?

Ah, glad it is day three already! So far, so good. Yes, the worst soreness I have ever experienced, that's for sure, but doable. I haven't been taking all of the pain meds I've been prescribed, I just hate feeling so groggy. Sleeping has been challenging, but easier on my side...I think the gas they pump you up with really hurts in there. Walking does help, but it doesn't feel very well. But yesterday I walked pretty far and felt a lot better last night, so it works.

Today I begin "full liquids" which sounds great but I'm a bit apprehensive. So basically I get to move on from clear liquids to pudding, jello, protein shakes, etc. So far it has taken me almost an hour to sip a mug of tea--if I drink it too quickly I either get a hiccup (ouch) or it feels like I'm having a heart attack, fun! I'm being retrained, like a Pavlovian (can you say that?) dog.

That's all for now, just getting better day by day. No gross things coming out of my belly button or anything. Hooray!

Nurse Bandit


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