A graduate nursing student embarks on a path of health gain and weight loss through the LapBand procedure. Watch and learn, kids.

September 14, 2006

Am I hungry?

I'm not sure if I'm hungry or not. This is the strangest feeling of all. It is as if Dr.Landerholm actually took my stomach OUT instead of placing a band around it; I know that this is due to the swelling of the stomach (poor thing) and that's why I feel "full". But it feels very weird, because I know I should eat and drink but I have no physiological drive to to do. Sounds funny, I know...like last night I was in bed, getting cozy with the electric heating pad, and my stomach was growling like crazy, but I didn't feel hungry, I just heard the noises! Very odd. Since my sense of hunger/thirst has been pretty much nil, I've been making myself eat three small (small, like would have been less than a snack a week ago) meals (all liquid at this point) plus sipping water in between meals. So basically, I'm getting to know this new body again..this body that is mine, I think.

nurse bandit


Blogger Jenn said...

eat eat eat. sammysue, i must say, my BIGGEST mistake was not getting enough calories at this phase. i paid. oh dear, did i pay, with fatigue, exhaustion...more. make sure to get 3 hearty protein shakes in a day, come hell or high water. supplement with lattes and vitamin waters or gatorade. get in 800 calories, and good protein. you will be glad you did! just push yourself and sip and do it!!!

10:43 PM, September 14, 2006


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