A graduate nursing student embarks on a path of health gain and weight loss through the LapBand procedure. Watch and learn, kids.

September 15, 2006

Tomato Soup and Ice Cream

Two staples of my diet right now. Oh, and Kefir is too, with protein powder mixed in. I know "they" say it should be low sugar/fat right now but ya know, I'm eating SO little quantitatively that I really don't think it matters right now. I think I'm packing in about 800 a day, if that, and I feel stuffed. Plus, ice cream has protein....lol...at least I bought the light kind.

Last night my lady and I went to a restaurant for some dinner. My oh my, there aren't many "full liquid"options around. I ordered a spicy chicken tomato soup, and hot damn, it sure was spicy. I picked out all of the chunks and drank the broth. I'm glad to report that it didn't burn a hole in me. I like spicy stuff, and it was all of 1/3 cup or something. It was pretty funny when I was taking all the chunks out though--the waitress came by at that moment to check on us, and saw me doing it...I think she was either offended or thought I was pretty crazy..cause it was a super chunky soup and I wasn't left with much.

On tuesday I move on to pureed foods, and I can't WAIT! One of my favorite foods is cottage cheese, I know, I'm rare. Most people hate cottage cheese, it seems...to me it is the perfect combination of cool, creamy, and salty. YUM! I'll eat it in any form--on potatoes, salad, fruit, crackers (yes, crackers), it's all good.

Today I'm feeling better physically..just took my dogs for a walk and I'm not walking quite as stiffly as before, though I can still tell something went on in my belly recently. I still feel large and bloated, it's quite sexy actually. I'm considering getting a shirt that says "Mom 2 be!", I swear it might really pay off.

Anyway, back to watching a movie. I'm watching 'Prozac Nation', a dramatic depressing teeny bopper tale.

Nurse Bandit

PS I weighed 282.5 this morning. My preop weight was 297. Booya!


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