A graduate nursing student embarks on a path of health gain and weight loss through the LapBand procedure. Watch and learn, kids.

August 21, 2006

Welcome, welcome to my first blog about my upcoming "band" experience. Band as in LapBand. Band as in not the kind you join and plug in your guitar. Band, not the kind for your hair. Band as in the kind you put around your stomach to help you with weight loss. My date for surgery, you ask? September 11. Lame, I know, that day has permanent history now. But, it'll be a good day and a bad day from now on. Sad for the memory but happy for making my body healthier! Check in soon for more thoughts. I have a meeting with the nutritionist in the morning and starting next week I'm on the DREADED pre-op diet. The THOUGHT of a protein shake makes me a little queasy, and I have to exist pretty much on those alone for two weeks. Can't wait! SCD

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