A graduate nursing student embarks on a path of health gain and weight loss through the LapBand procedure. Watch and learn, kids.

September 21, 2006

Pureed meat, mmm.

Well, hell, time sure flies! Today is Day 11 already, phew. I've graduated to eating pureed things, and although things look nasty pureed, they taste the same. I've pureed pho, chili w/spaghetti sauce, steak and potato soup, etc. Don't look, just eat. Kind of how I felt while traveling in some foreign countries (no, no, that isn't supposed to sound all xenophobic...). Oh, yesterday I bought some tofu and mashed it with light mayo and mustard, made an eggless egg salad, it was surprisingly good. My lady even took some for lunch. I'm gonna check to see if she really ate it. She's been a champ with all this weird crap I've been eating!

Today I was tired of studying for my NCLEX (RN exam) test so I decided to go down to the gym. I walked for 20 minutes and I was whupped, that was it. Between having surgery not long ago and having a cold a twenty minute walk was plenty. Plus, when I move a lot, it makes my port area sore.

Had my follow up/postop appointment with Julie (RN) from the clinic (Puget Sound Surgical Center) yesterday. She's happy and I'm happy with how it is going...I asked her why the left side of my belly is more sore and she said that they go in through that side (with port and other tools)..it is odd, I have like a little bulge of swelling above the port (the port is slightly swollen too).

Other than having a cold I feel pretty much normal, hooray. But I sure could use a steak or somethin'...

Nurse Bandit


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the blog! Very informative (though I could have done without the shivers that went up my spine after reviewing the peptidoglycan structure). I'll have to keep checking in to see how you're doing!


6:27 PM, September 21, 2006


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