A graduate nursing student embarks on a path of health gain and weight loss through the LapBand procedure. Watch and learn, kids.

October 04, 2006


Well, it's going fine! I'm on to eating mushy foods, which is nice. I nosh on things like pasta, cottage cheese, beans, soup, minced meats, deli meat, cheese, etc. It's not bad at all, though occasionally I do crave a piece of bread or something. I have noticed that I have been feeling a little hungry lately, supposed because the swelling in my belly is going down. Had a phone appointment with the clinic nutritionist and she said everything was fine--asked what I was eating, if anything had been "stuck" (from not chewing or having it be too dry) and I had nothing exciting to report. My lady and I even went out for Mexican food and I was able to eat one enchilada with chicken...chicken can be tricky for banded folks because it is often dry. The solution to that is to always eat chicken ( or any meat, really) with some kind of sauce--salsa, ketchup, olive oil, just something to help it go down.

School has started again and I'm taking all infectious disease related classes. It isn't bad, but it is annoying that I have one class a day, each day...didn't get a compressed schedule at all. Luckily one of my classes has a video feed so if i realllllllllly don't want to go I can watch the video and take notes later that evening. Ah, the temptation. Hard to go to school for one 50 minute class--it takes me longer than that to get there and back on the bus!

Socially speaking, this whole band thing is odd. Hell, it is odd to see a tall woman such as myself eat so little, ya gotta wonder if I have some weird eating disorder or something. I had lunch on friday with some classmates and only a couple of them know about the surgery...she was like "Dude, that's your lunch now?", lol. No one else noticed, thankfully, that I hardly ate a thing. FYI, lunch right now is a slice of cheese, maybe two slices of deli turkey, and some canned fruit. Not much, but plenty for my stomach!

I guess that's all I have to report. I meet with the nutritionist in person on the 24th, then go down the street to Dr.Landerholm (my surgeon) who will put a little fluid in the band (called a "fill").

Happy in mushyfoodland,

Nurse Bandit (OH, and yes, I really did get my RN license! Last week!)


Blogger Serena said...

It won't let me post a comment on your most recent entry.

I have only had one fill too and am at .5cc. Your right, it doesn't feel much like anything after a week or so. I need to get in to get another though it took me ten months to get that first one.

5:49 PM, November 11, 2006


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