A graduate nursing student embarks on a path of health gain and weight loss through the LapBand procedure. Watch and learn, kids.

September 18, 2006

Ice cream is bad...but good..but bad..but good!

And it goes down so smoooooooooooothly. I finally ate the rest of the black bean soup and moved on to yummier things this evening---blended mint chip ice cream with milk! LOL. I never consume this much milk, I'm really not such a dairy fiend..but hell, it is soft. I need to drink more protein stuff, but other than kefir, protein shakes are disgusting. Today I tried "Nectar" made by Syntrax or some other techno-sounding company. It was so gross. I figured it couldn't be, since it wasn't milk based or anything, and blended well (and clear) into my VitaminWater. Wrong, wrong, wrong. Wasted a good bottle of water with that.....garbage.

I took my steristrips off today, thank god. They were itching like crazy and I called the clinic and the nurse just said to take 'em off. Getting the glue off is an all-day endeavor, however. The incisions look lovely, good ole' Dr.Landerholm did a swell job. And, thankfully, the itching is going away.

Tonight Kris and I had dinner with her mom, Marj, who was kind enough to stop by on her way home from her other daughter's house..and thank you Marj, for the card! Sneaky sneaky! Glad you could stop by.

Ok, back to work I go. The real reason I did this entry was because I'm getting bored listening to micro lectures about peptidoglycan. Snore.

Nurse Bandit


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